Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Few Good Things

I wanted to share with you a few good things that happened to me today:

*I got flowers (purple tulips) delivered to me at work!! (usually I just watch the flower delivery guy pass me by, but not today!)

*I found just the right shade of 6 hour lip gloss (L'Oreal Infallible in Raisin...ahhmazing)

*My boss left today and will be gone tomorrow AND ALL NEXT WEEK!

*The sun is shining (I count this even though it's not just shining for me)

*I brewed my coffee to just the right strength

*A solicitor came by and delivered chocolates (flowers and chocolates...ON THE SAME DAY!)

It's like the blessing cloud is over my head and showering me with all sorts of goodies today. I'm thankful for this & I really appreciate it. I know I am blessed everyday, but it's tough to recognize it, especially if you are experiencing monster PMS (which I am), are in an in-between stage in life (this, too), and feel like you have so much work to do to get where you are going (uh, huh).

It's funny how I few simple things can really cause you to reflect. And today, I'm feeling reminded that I am a truly blessed person. I have so many things that I take for granted, as we all do, and sometimes it's good just to thank God for the simple stuff.

Several months ago, I read about a blogger who was involved in a devastating plane crash. Her struggle and recovery really got me thinking about all of the things that I should be thankful for, but often overlook or take for granted. So, when I started to get frustrated in my daily life, I would try something like this:

God, I thank you for this traffic jam. Because I'm in this traffic jam, that means I have a car.

God, I thank you for this line at the grocery store. Because I'm standing in this line, that means I can walk and I have the freedom to shop wherever I would like.

God, thank you for getting snipped at by my boss. If I didn't have a job, there would be no boss snipping, so thank you for my employment.

In recent weeks, I've seemed to stop using this tactic. Maybe it's because of the PMS, or maybe it's because I've been tired and a bit depressed, but whatever the reason, I think I am going to start recognizing my blessings more and my lack less. After all, I know that I have far more blessings than lack, and for that I am grateful. Now, the challenge is to remember this as I'm driving home and tempted to ram a rude driver with my car. I'm pretty sure I can resist that temptation today.

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