Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Anxiously Awaiting

I'm officially counting down the hours, not the days, until I go on vacation next week. Let's see, it's 11:30 am my time, so I have approxiamatly 43 hours until 5:00 pm Friday if my math is correct (which is highly unlikely, since I kind of suck at math).

As an adult with no offspring, my anticipation for major holidays like Christmas has waned over the years. Don't get me wrong, I love the day off and spending that day with family, but I recall being so excited during the days preceding Christmas that the air felt absolutely electric. Adult anticipatory air still feels electric-ish, but more like the energy of a weak battery, still there, but hanging on by a thread.

However, as an adult, the anticipation for a week's break from the monotony of my daily work routine is not just plain 'ol electric, it's nuclear.

I simply cannot wait to forgo the morning commute (and getting behind slow left-lane drivers), sitting in my mildly uncomfortable desk chair (that makes my badunkadunk go numb after a few hours), walking to the bathroom and mailbox at the office (which are actually the best parts of my day), and shuffling around endless financial papers (why are there so many gosh darn forms?)

Though my vacation does not involve exotic travel, it does involve time in Birmingham with Mr. L and a weekend beach trip. I am more excited about the space I will have in my brain since I will not need to fill it with 401k questions, Roth IRA to Traditional conversions, annual fees, check deposits, stock purchases, etc. When I think about going a whole week without having to say, "Good morning, thank you for calling _________________," I get shivers of enthusiasm down my spine.

The thought of getting to do what I want to do when I want to do it, is almost too good to be true. Spending my days reading, cooking, exercising, writing, taking photographs, and being with Mr. L is a working-girl-who-has-a-boring-job-and-lives-apart-from-her-boyfriend's dream!

Tick-tock, tick-tock. Yikes-is it Friday, yet?

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