I have a thing with bumper stickers. I just don't like them. I admit I form some pre-judgements about those who are pro-bumper sticker, but I don't think I can be blamed for this because YOUR OPINION IS STUCK TO YOUR BUMPER AT EYE LEVEL FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE. You're kinda asking for it, don't you think?
I guess why I am anti-bumper sticker is because I don't need to communicate my thoughts an opinions right above my muffler. I don't need to be labeled as a "liberal," "conservative," "dog lover," "mother of a bright child," or "owner of a bright dog." I don't need to parade around town with a 3 x 12 inch sticker declaring that I think George Bush is the devil, or that I completed a triathlon, or that I am pro-life or pro-choice, or that I think we should all just co-exist, or that I think Darwin was right. And please, whatever you do, don't tell me to honk if I......you get the point.
Driving to work this morning, I found myself behind a truck that had: 1) a bumper sticker declaring that he listened to public radio, 2) a bumper sticker that said 'share the road' on it with a picture of a bicycle on it, 3) a 'I love to bike' sticker, 4) an Obama election sticker, 5) an anti-Bush sticker, and last but not least, 6) a recycling symbol. I actually wanted to pull up beside him and ask, "Hey, man, I am looking for a liberal, bike-riding person who recycles & listens to public radio. Do you know where I could find somebody like that?"
I guess I'm just not a label girl.
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