Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Cleaning-Vacation Day 2

Yesterday I got to play housewife, and it was fun. I spent the day cleaning, grocery shopping, and cooking. Some may say that this does not sound like an awesome vacation day, but to me it was bliss. Pure, unadulterated, unfiltered, 100 proof, zen-like bliss.

Maybe its because I don't get to do these tasks at a relaxed pace normally, or maybe its because I don't do many of these tasks on a regular basis, but whatever the reason, I had a wonderful afternoon. Mr. L came home to a clean house with lit candles and the aroma of a healthy dinner. Call me old-fashioned or anti-women's lib if you must, but I love creating a home. I'm a nester.

Though the day was not filled with sand between my toes or a drink with an umbrella in it, it was a perfect vacation day. And isn't that the point of vacations? You get to vacate your normal life for awhile and live as if you were a different person in a different situation.

Tomorrow we leave for the beach, and I'm excited about our trip, but today I'm a happy, fulfilled pretend housewife again....and I couldn't ask for a better way to spend my day.

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