Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Dear Blog,

I want to apologize for my absence. It's just that I have been super busy lately. It's not you, it's me. I have been working on this website for work, trying to find a job in Birmingham, and endlessly editing and re-editing my resume(s), and there was a beach trip over Easter weekend with Mr. L's family.

I have some exciting news for you, though. Soon (hopefully), I will be writing about transitioning my life and a move to Birmingham! Blog, there are some crazy-exciting things that are happening in my life! I can't wait to share them with you as they happen. I am really in love with Mr. L and can't wait to see him more often. After I move, I'll have lots more time to spend with you because I won't be travelling as much.

For the time being, I may write you a little less. Please don't take this personally. I promise you that I will resume my daily(ish) posts very soon. You mean the world to me, and don't you forget it!!

Much love,

Capable Girl

1 comment:

al said...

hoorah! Birmingham needs you here!