Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So it's been a few days since my last post, and my main excuse has been that I have been looking for a job. And these days, looking for a job is extremely time consuming.

I have to admit, though, this week I've been mostly just thinking about looking for a job. Though just thinking about looking for a job is also time consuming (more than one might think, I can do so for hours), it really doesn't give me a proper excuse for not blogging. And that made me think....what if I'm just being lazy? And then it occurred to me, I think laziness may really be taking a foothold in my life.

My excuse for not working out? Job search. How about not getting myself organized? Job search. We all know why I told myself I wasn't blogging....yep, you guessed it: job search. And since I'm not job searching this week, I think I may have found the real reason I've been absent from all things important: LAZINESS.

When did I get so lazy? Was it when I moved in with my Mom & she started cooking all of my meals? Could it have been when I accepted a non-challenging job so I do crossword & logic puzzles all day? What about when I started travelling most weekends, so I gave myself the excuse to have 'down time' instead of 'task time?'

After taking a little time to review my life, I realized that I have become really lazy in many different areas of my life. Here are a few examples:

a) I have 5 uber-drab mix and match outfits I wear to work. I never vary.....ever.
b) I have taken to wearing just one pair of earrings, because it feels too hard to pick another pair out.
c) I panic when my remote control slides off of my bed. You mean I have to get up and get it? I guess I'll just sleep with the TV on. (that is a slight exaggeration, but not too far off)
d) Blogging feels like having to write a 2000 word essay on the history of the lug bolt.
e) Rather than changing my purse to match my outfits, I just have a smaller neutral colored purse that fits inside a bigger black purse and never end up having to switch the contents.

Yikes! I need help! Somebody intervene me!! Lazy anonymous here I come.....

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