Friday, June 19, 2009

Wait, wait, DO tell me

Whew! Interview over. Now comes the hard part of interviewing....the post-interview-wait. The good news is that it went really well and took, like, 2 hours, which I think is a good sign. I guess they would not spend two hours of their lives with a candidate that they don't like, right? That's what I'm telling myself, anyway...

So here's a run down of how the morning went:

6:00 am -- Got up and practiced interview questions with Mr. L until I was so nervous I wanted to puke.

7:30 am -- Left the house. Hair began to frizz due to serious humidity. Great.

8:00 am -- Walked with Mr. L to building where interview was held. Sweat through undergarments, shirt, and suit. Hair frizzing increased exponentially.

9:00 am -- Waited for interview, but unable to walk around due to new high heeled shoes that immediately 1) hurt like the dickens, and 2) rubbed a big blister on my big toe.

9:50 am -- Waited some more and resisted the urge to 1) run from the building, 2) puke all over my black suit, 3) throw my ill-fitting shoes away and interview bare-footed.

10:10 am -- Go to interview site and wait nervously at human resources department. Pray. A lot.

10:30 am -- Into the lion's den I go.

12:30 pm -- Make a joyous phone call to Mr. L & blabber to him about how well it went.

Now, as I take a deep breath, I wait. It's all in God's hands, so I can rest easy knowing that He opens doors when they are meant to be opened and closes them when they are meant to be closed. I know that He knows what s best for me. Time to let go and let God, you know?

So yay or nay? I don't know....we'll just wait and see.

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