Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Apartment Life

I realized the other day while reviewing my neglected little blog that I stopped blogging right on the cusp of moving to Birmingham, and I had not even covered my amazing little piece of heaven that is my apartment.

I don't think I have ever loved 1,000 square feet like I love my little nest here in Birmingham. It is lovely. Truly lovely. And all mine.

I thought I would give you a little tour of some small apartment scenes so you can see what I'm talking 'bout. Here goes...

My amazing red curtains that I made upon moving here.

Scenes from the coziest living room in the universe

My new love for the color orange sprouted in my teensy tiny kitchen

My kitchen window

The hand that feeds

My new dessert dishes

Some color in my craft studio (some call it an office, to me it is a studio)

Sewing paraphenalia

My elegant doornobs

My favorite shower curtain

Me in my makeup mirror

Scenes from the bedside table

My hunky friend Buster

Well, friends, hope you enjoyed the tour of my favoritest place on earth. As I sit here, cozy on the couch, I have a thankful heart tonight. God brought me here and for that I am eternally grateful.

Well, I guess I'll sign off for tonight and just enjoy my little home for awhile. Bon soir!

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