Monday, February 15, 2010

Love and Toilet Seats

illustration courtesy of this talented lady

This Valentine's weekend my thoughts naturally drifted to romance and love. When Valentine’s Day rolls around, the typical connotations of romance fill the newspaper, storefronts, airwaves, and television screen. Red and pink hearts, jewelry commercials, and boxes of chocolate abound. Many make plans involving candlelight, lingerie, and red roses for V-Day weekend.

While all of this fanfare is nice, it doesn’t strike me as really, truly romantic. Sweet and appreciated, yes, but it doesn’t really scratch my romantic itch. My idea of romance is a little different. It’s a bit less dramatic and slightly more pragmatic. To me, romance is when you do something you don’t really want to do because you love someone.

In my mind, Romance is working all weekend on re-doing bathrooms because you don’t want your fiancé to move into a house with unappealing powder rooms. Romance is taking off a gross toilet seat for your mate and installing a fresh new one. It’s not something you like to do, but you do it anyway because you want to spare your mate from having to do it. Romance is taking time to give your mate a neck rub when her neck is sore from wielding a paint roller for 48 hours.

I know that my idea of romance may sound strange, but I just can’t help it. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of the fluffy Valentine’s Day stuff, but I have a harder time getting worked up about it around Valentine's Day when it feels kind of uninspired. I tend to like those kind of things more when they are unexpected…like on a Tuesday in the middle of May.

Because of my belief system, I can truly say that Mr. L and I had a really romantic weekend. While covered in paint, cleaning agents, and caulk, we were two of the happiest lovebirds I have ever seen.

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