Wednesday, January 26, 2011

gorgeous letters courtesy of the daily drop cap

One thing that has plagued me lately is a lack of patience. I've never been a super patient person, but I can say with all sincerity that I am at my least patient when trying new things. Especially creative new things.

We've all done it; we've all watched a show on HGTV and thought, crown molding doesn't look all that hard. Or perhaps we've watched Food Network and thought, souffle's are totally easy! And it's true; it's easy when you are a) a pro, b) you have all of the right tools, and c) you've done it 3,000 times.

The problem with me is that I a) am not a pro, b) NEVER have all of the right tools, and c) have never done it-but cannot be convinced that my results are in direct correlation with my experience. I am always hoping I'll really have a knack for something & won't ever have to suffer through the beginner's mistakes. For a concrete example, please see my pie post here.

Told you.

Anyways, these days I am trying to combat my nature and be patient with myself. This is not a natural skill for me. In fact, Mr. L has had to talk me out of sticking my head in the oven and baking it at 400 more than a few times. However, I am trying to remind myself that the only way you get really good at something is by patient practice and NOT baking your head.

And, oh, I have an exciting announcement to make. I promise to reveal in a few days....

1 comment:

Herrington Photography said...

WHAT? You can't say you have an exciting announcement and leave us hanging. I can't believe you did that. That's just plain old mean.

Are you getting a dog? A cat? A hair cut? :)

So what type of creative processes are you trying do to that you are impatient with? Let's get together and crochet. Crocheting is so easy and you can make a scarf OR dish cloth with one simple stitch. Maybe we can meet at Starbucks or something after work one night (we should bring Al along - she knows how also) and crochet something. I can teach you if you don't already know. It'll teach you patience!!!!!