Friday, March 25, 2011

Suffering Succotash!

So, I've had a tough time physically lately. If you read my last post, you know that last Friday was the first day of the downward spiral. What you don't know is that I had started a new diet last week. A serious diet. A diet that makes you suffer.

To prep for my diet, I cut out sugar a couple of weeks ago. It was horrible, but I suffered through it. The following week, I started my super strict, super awful diet. I was finally though the rough part when my neck incident occurred.

Because the medications I was on made me feel terribly sick to my stomach, I had to forfeit my no-sugar, no-real-carbs gig and drink some regular soda and eat crackers. After all, when you're in terrible pain, who wants to feel sick to their stomach and be forced to eat protein fortified bariatric fare?

Not this cowgirl.

Just as I started to recover from the neck incident, I had a marathon 5 1/2 hour dental appointment that was nothing short of sheer mid evil torture. And what do you eat when you're mouth is super sore and you can't chew? Well, chocolate ice cream of course. And pasta. And oatmeal--all of which are pure sugar and carbohydrate.

Now that the seven days of neck and dental suffering are coming to a close, it hit me. Gadzooks! I'm going to have to start all over again with diet-induced agony.

Oh, the humanity! Will the suffering ever cease!?!

1 comment:

Herrington Photography said...

Geesh! Hate to hear about this. Way to go on the super strict diet thing. HOW do you do that while baking all these fabulous sugar cookies? Is Nathan your taste tester?