Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Am The Hare

I am the hare. In the story of the tortoise and the hare…I am the hare. You see, the hare has a lot going for him in the story; he’s efficient, he’s talented, and he’s capable. He has so much potential, but even with all of those good qualities…at the end of the day, he’s the loser.

I’m not calling myself a loser per se, I’m just saying that the hare and I have more qualities in common than I am comfortable with. And in the spirit of public self-improvement, I’ll share them with you:

-I often start out too strong and don’t pace myself. This is classic Capable Girl stuff. For example, if I start a workout plan, I usually go ‘b’s’ to the ‘w’ and end up injuring myself or looking like an idiot.

-I am often overconfident in my ability to schedule the appropriate time it takes to successfully complete a task. For example, I’m the gal who has a two mile long ‘to do’ list and is delusional enough to believe that I can have it all done by morning. Like the time that I planned on making a from scratch cake, make the icing, ice it, embroider a gift, do my laundry, and clean my apartment all in the same night. Yeah right. At the end of that night, I accomplished nothing but making myself crazy.

-I love naps. (No example needed here)

As I reread the fable today, I made a promise to myself to take on some more tortoise-like behaviors. Pace myself, endure even when the competition is fierce, and don’t panic. Pretty good advice, if I do say so myself.

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