Thursday, July 22, 2010

Honey Moon

Did you know that honeymoons were first referred to in the bible? Apparently, in Deuteronomy, it states that a newly married man is to be exempt from military duty for A WHOLE YEAR so he can bring joy to his wife. Nice.

In many parts of Europe, couples take a month off to celebrate their nuptials. In France, they say 'lune de miel,' which translates to 'month of honey.' They take a month to ensure happiness and fertility.

Back in the 'ol U S of A, honeymoons are very unfortunately (but greatly more affordably) compressed into a week (if you're lucky). Though I would love to be excused from real life for a year or a month to enjoy my newly matrimonial status, I feel fortunate to have a week off.

Mr. L & I toyed around with all sorts of honeymoon ideas before making our final destination selection. My desires were pretty straight forward; I wanted a place where we could:

1. Speak the language*

2. Drink the water*

3. Get a massage

4. Completely relax*

*I am all for adventurous travel, but after a wedding, I opt for less adventure and more of a chance not to contract food-born illnesses, language-barrier spurred cultural altercations, and/or jet lag.

So we opted for a magical destination with warm weather, great food, entertainment, and child-like glee. We are going to Disney World! I could not be happier with this selection. Trite, predictable, and mainstream? Absolutely. Enchanting, amusing, and relaxing? Absolutely!

Even writing about this trip gives me shivers of happiness and anticipation. I can think of no better place to set sail on our lune de miel...watching fire works, under the moon with my honey, on our honeymoon.

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