Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nice Ice(ing)

DISCLAIMER: Please don't the the graphic fool you. I don't (yet) have "mad cookie skillz."

I've made a decision. It's a goal of mine to acquire serious cookie baking/decorating skills. I think I would like to become known (one day) as the lady who really knows her cookies.

I'm a true blue novice right now, but I'm really enjoying the process of basic cookie baking and decoration. My favorite moments these days (apart from dancing in the grocery store with Mr. L, of course) are spent baking & icing cookies. Throw on a This American Life podcast, give me some icing and I'm a very happy camper.

It would truly make me proud to be known for my cookie aptitude one day. Maybe if the word about my skills hits the streets, I'll be known as the "girl who knows how to bake for realsies," or maybe "lady baker with the sick cookies, yo."

A girl can dream, right?


Herrington Photography said...

What a great goal...I'd definitely love to call you the "lady baker with the sick cookies, yo."

Fo' Sho' Yo!

And then I can say I got my recipe from the cookie lady. Thanks, again, for sharing. :)

al said...

are yall booty dancing in the grocery store?