Friday, January 14, 2011

Later Cater

Tonight I will be playing the role of caterer. My friends and I are throwing an engagement party for these folks tomorrow evening and some pre-party prep is in store for this evening.

What I am making, you ask? Well, I will be making mini nutella chocolate cupcakes, onion & mushroom tartlettes, decorated sugar cookies, and the pear and cranberry tart. I'm excited about burrowing away in my tiny galley kitchen and cooking all night. Like, unnaturally excited.

This excitement is ironic.

This irony brings me to a funny story.

This funny story leads me to want to blog about it sometime.

(Kidding, here's the story)

Way back in my infancy, when I was 18 years old, I took an appititude test while signing up for my college courses. This was back in the days when I thought I would end up doing something super serious and super heroic with my life.

As I opened my results, I was hoping to see the words, "Super Important War Correspodent," "Life Saving Physician," or "Nobel Peace Prize Winning Peace Corp Hero." Instead, I was staring down at the simple and hopelessly lackluster word,


WHAT!?!! Needless to say, I flippantly wrote off the results and felt sorry for the creators of this obviously flawed system.

Here's the ironic part...after many false starts and lots of low-paying, long-houred, ultra low-glory jobs (photojournalist, paramedic, etc.) all I want to do is cook for people.

And now I would like to take the opportunity to apologize to the creators of the circa 1994 appitude tests for entering college freshmen. What can I say? You really know your stuff...


al said...

haha... I love you! I'm supposed to get my dress taken in Sunday afternoon. I don't know how I'm going to do it with those nutella cupcakes! You devil woman.

Herrington Photography said...

Hilarious story. My tests said I was supposed to be a teacher. I listened and got my teaching degree. Boy, was that wrong! Hope you had fun baking away last night . I'm ready for our all day long party today. See you soon at mi casa.