Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cleanliness & Godliness

Mr. L & I are taking the weekend 'off' from one another in order to do some spring cleaning. Usually I don't look forward to these tasks, but this year I am. I guess I'm craving organization & simplicity....and clean breeds calm in my world.

Since Mr. L & I have been travelling to see one another on the weekends pretty much every weekend since October, tasks that are usually performed over the weekend tend to build up a little...or a lot (in my case at least). Not only do weekend tasks get put off, but we have also abandoned our weekend know, like coffee shop trips on Saturdays, naps on Sundays (my favoritest weekend routine by leaps & bounds), and CHURCH!

Since I am using this weekend to get clean and purge myself of filth, I figure it's also a good time to purge myself of the guilt that comes with church absence....and attend a service. After all, cleanliness & Godliness seem to run in pairs, so why not make this weekend a themed one? Me, The Big Guy Upstairs, and a Swiffer Sweeper.....what a trio!

p.s. If you want a good hearty laugh, come peak in my windows....I'll be the one plugged up to her ipod & dancing like a maniac while I clean. It's a truly rediculous sight & I promise laughter-induced pants wetting to all who witness.

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