Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dat Trois

Yesterday marked vacation day 3, or 3rd day of freedom, day three of life sans boring job, or three days in my journey to sanity. It was a grrrrreat day.

It started with laziness, making an amazing breakfast, blogging, web surfing, and a little photography. I made Mr. L some homemade tuna salad, watched a little Travel Channel (which is a real treat because I don't have it at home), and called one of Mr. L's friends, and fitness trainer extraordinaire Allison.

Allison picked me up for a trip to Hobby Lobby, where we discovered friendly plastic and its many uses. After coffee and much talk about fitness, Allison dropped me off & headed to the gym.

After Mr. L returned home, we headed to the gym where Allison kicked our rears into gear teaching us a group fitness class called Body Pump. Sounds easy enough, right? WRONG! I can still feel my muscles begging for mercy.

A hungry bunch from the gym headed over to an Indian restaurant complete with belly dancers and dined on incredible Indian cuisine. We were entertained by Allison's boyfriend, David, who told us tales of mentally unwell co-workers. And who doesn't enjoy a good story about the mentally unwell co-workers?

I have had so much fun here & it will be extremely hard to return to 'normal life,' but I guess all things must come to an end, right?

Today Mr. L & I are headed to the beach. Photos and hopefully a few stories to come...

1 comment:

al said...

okay next time we're leaving the fitness talk at home and talking straight friendly plastic.