Monday, March 30, 2009

The Tipping Point

We all get there...the point where you have to make a decision. You'll either be this way or that way, but you can't be both. You try to be both for a time, but it never works out for long and the point of decision always sucks. When you are at the point of decision, you start to mourn because you can't have it both ways. Ever heard of the old adage, 'You can't have your cake and eat it too?' I hate that it's so true. It's so true that it makes me want to throw a temper tantrum.

In this case, I have come to the decision that I can't be a healthy, slim person & eat like a hog and be as lazy as a cat. I tried wholeheartedly for awhile, but alas, I have eaten my cake and it's began to eat at me.

It started this weekend, while cleaning out my closet. I decided to really go for it this year and abide by a strict no mercy rule when it came time to pick through my clothes. If I hadn't worn it in the last year, sayonara the 'give away' pile it was to go. It was during this process that I realised just how many clothes I had not worn in a year because I could not fit in them. Just exactly when had I gotten so much junk in my trunk?

After that eye-opening (and depressing) clothes ousting experience, I had to have a long sit down with myself and make some tough decisions. I work out, but in my heart of hearts know that I don't do enough and I miss far too many gym sessions for it to really count. So, you can either be fit or fat, I told myself and chose the former. To the gym I go! I am a semi-healthy eater, but indulge far, far too much to say that I am really making any effort. I guess my options here are healthy or sickly, and I choose healthy. Better eating, here I come!

After all that decision making, I was exhausted and hungry, and that's when it REALLY hit me: This. Is. Going. To. SUCK. The decision making sure is easier than the subsequent actions, but I reminded myself that I am at the tipping point.....which way do I want to tip?

1 comment:

GM said...

Hang in there! You're going to do great! Just take it one meal at a workout at a day at a time. You've made your decision to eat better and work out more, and that's the most important thing.