Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Watch For Falling Blood Sugar

The first days of a new diet....ahhh the shakes, the weariness, overwhelming fatigue....I know it well.

I am a firm believer in going really hard for the first few days. This technique works for me because it gets me off of the 'sugar roller coaster' and makes the subsequent days seem sooo easy. Great theory, but as my shaky hands type this post, I am starting to question my method.

But that's always the way it goes...you start to feel yucky and start thinking, 'maybe I'm going at this the wrong way..." But is that the voice of reason or the voice of your sugar-craving brain & belly speaking to you? I know from experience that it is the latter, so I'm staying the coarse.

Pray for me....I have a birthday dinner to attend for my mom tonight and one of the guests is cake. Another is ice cream. Yikeys.

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