Monday, May 18, 2009

Table for One

This weekend was an 'off weekend' for Mr. L & I. He was travelling by flight & I was flying solo. After some news that "shook the foundation of my day," (great description provided by my brother Ben) I took a little me time this weekend. It was fabulous. Here are some tips that I learned over the weekend:

1. Everyone should spend an entire day in your pajamas when you are not sick (though I do recommend a bath at some point)

2. Watching 3 movies in a day is a very relaxing way to pass the time

3. If you want to have the same meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for just one day, and that meal is toast, go for it

4. Cuddling up with your purring cat on a bed with fresh sheets is like taking the best anti-depressant in the world

5. It's totally okay that your biggest accomplishment of the day is transferring a load of wash to the dryer

I'll be flying solo again next weekend, so a repeat of this weekend is on the agenda (except add in sewing, working out, and possibly getting dressed).

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