Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It Ain't No Thing, I'm

As you may recall, I have had my ups and downs since blogging. This season of my life has been, well, let's say...challenging. In challenging times, some people thrive, some people don't, and some people do both. I'm one of the latter. I face my challenges and stare them down like a matador to a bull. I wave my red flag at them and dare them to get in my way. This works for awhile, but going at problems this strong can become cripplingly exhausting, and I get tired, worn down, and depressed. Then, in a flash of genius, I remember that the best way to tackle anything is with moderation. I am one of those people who constantly needs to be reminded of this.

Now, having been through the depressive, self-loathing, pity party phase, I feel like I am starting to turn the corner & realize that I am not (and never will be) perfect. I am okay with this. And once you are okay with failure (in moderation), you feel free to break down your problems and fix what you can, and be okay with what you can't. I don't know why I use this philosophy all of the time, but I guess it's in my nature to approach things serious gusto.

Facing a move (and some other serious changes in my life) in 11 weeks has helped me re-learn the moderation philosophy. When you face changing nearly everything in you life; your job, your home, your friends, your family dynamics, it can be quite a daunting challenge. When I started thinking about all of the changes, all of the challenges, and all of the hard work I was facing, it almost made my head explode (and who really needs an exploded head on top of everything else?). So, I sat down with my thoughts, wrote everything out, put it on a calendar, and decided that perfection is not an option, and not really even a preference. After all, who wants to read a blog where all the stories are of how perfectly I executed everything?

So, with that, I'm feeling back. Back in the swing, back to life, back to me....and, I gotta tell you, it feels good.

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