Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Warning: High E.A. Levels

Hello, 'ol blog! Long time, no type. Parting from my usual fashion, I'm not going to apologize to you for my absence, 'cause I've been busy and you're just a blog.

I'm counting down the days to my relocation in Birmingham, aka my 'emancipation'. Why emancipation, you ask? Well, I'll tell you....

a) because I have been living with my (really cool, but still) mother for the past few years
b) because I have been living in a community where the mean age is ~65 and the average bedtime is ~9 pm
c) because I am also living in the middle-of-freakin'-nowhere and you have to drive a bazillion miles to get anywhere
d) because I have been held captive 200+ miles away from my beloved

Freedom from the above is so close I can taste it (and oddly it tastes like orange sherbet). Anyway, I have about a month an a half to go before moving back to sweet home Alabama, and I....am....jazzed!

I kind of feel like I did when I went off to college, and that feeling is best summed up as READY.

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