Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An Engagement Story

illustration by my favorite illustrator Jessica Hische

I don't think I ever told you the story of the day (and the day before) Mr. L & I got engaged. So, I guess I'll tell it you now. Read it slowly; it's a really good story.

Scene 1: (In Capable Girl's Apartment. It's a Friday evening, November 20th, after work. Mr. L and C.G. are sitting on the couch)

CG: I don't feel like I have a home. You know, I've moved here, but it doesn't feel like home and where I came from doesn't feel like home either! The holidays are coming up and it makes me sad that I don't feel settled anywhere. (She says this hoping Mr. L reads between the lines. She wants a ring. She wants to be engaged. She wants him to say we'll be engaged very soon.)

Mr. L: Your home is with me.

CG: I know, but I don't feel settled.

Mr. L: Why not?

CG: Because I don't. (She pounds her fist defiantly and pokes out her lower lip)

Mr. L: I said your home is with me. Isn't that good enough?

CG: Well, I don't have a ring on my finger! (As she says this, she quickly extends her left hand to show him)

Mr. L: Look, let’s just get through the holiday season together. It’s coming. All that you want is coming, okay?

CG: (Unenthusiastically) I guess. (In her mind she is thinking, “I bet he hasn’t even thought about buying a ring. I bet it hasn’t even crossed his mind!”)

Scene 2: (Mr. L contacted Capable Girl earlier in the week and asked her to go to Chattanooga with him. Chattanooga is the city where they met. He told her that he wanted to celebrate their one-year anniversary by spending the day up there. He also comes up with the idea to surprise each other with Christmas ornaments, since Christmas is right around the corner. He suggests that they go to separate store, buy each other an ornament and then exchanging them. The two have met up after purchasing their ornaments…Mr. L walks out of his store with a wrapped box. Capable Girl just has hers in a brown bag)

Mr. L: Those ladies in the store wrapped yours. I didn’t ask them to. Hey, where do you want to go to exchange these?

CG: How about up on the walking bridge?

(By the way, it is a gorgeous day. They walk to the top of a really beautiful walking bridge)

Mr. L: Okay, let me open yours. (He takes a silver bird out of the bag) Oh, that’s nice. Here’s mine. (He hands her the wrapped box)

CG: This is pretty. They did a great job wrapping this.

(She starts to open the box)

Mr. L: Remember that conversation we had yesterday?

CG: Are you serious?

Mr. L: (Now getting down on one knee and saying some really nice stuff that CG can’t remember because now she knows that this is it.) Will you make me the happiest man and become my wife?

CG: Are you serious? Are you serious? Are you serious? Are you serious?

Mr. L: Yes, I’m serious! (She open the ring box and sees the most gorgeous ring she’s ever laid her cotton-pickin’ eyes on)

CG: Are you serious?

Mr. L: You haven’t said yes yet!

CG: Oh, jeez! Yes!

(Random people that are walking by are congratulating us. Some kids shout out, "Are you guys getting married?" We shout back, "Yes!")

Mr. L & I on the big engagement day

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