Friday, February 5, 2010

PBFFIH (Potential Best Friend Forever I Hope)

A have found a friend; a really good one. This makes me happy because since about the 12th grade, I have not technically had a best buddy. I’m not saying I am at bff level, now, but there’s potential.

The best thing about this friend is that she is from the same area, as a matter of fact, she grew up right outside New Orleans. We recently found out that she & I most likely went to the same Girl Scout camp at the very same time. Her family and my family stood across the street from one another for years during Mardi Gras. We share a love of The Saints, and she knows what lagniappe is. It’s terrific.

It’s important to have a friend that can relate to you and the older you get, the harder that can get. That’s especially true if you move away from your hometown. The other day my friend & I were cracking up about old local furniture store commercials that came on when we were kids. Unfortunately, if she were from, oh I don’t know, let’s say Boise, Idaho—those types of conversations would be impossible.

After Hurricane Katrina, most of what is familiar to me was lost or drastically changed. My home church, my old neighborhood, my city. In a way, that prevented me from ever really ‘going home’ again. I find it a great comfort to have a friend who knows my hometown. That way, it will never be truly lost.

If things keep going, I may have to invest in one of these babies:

and that makes me happy.

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