Thursday, March 4, 2010

Between a Rock and a Hair Place

I am having a problem. With my hair. I know this is not consequential to anyone other than me, but indulge me, I’m having a crisis.

The thing is this: I am a short hair girl (not Sinead O’Conner short, more like short bob short). Though I love the long locks, I don’t have the fortitude to make it through the in-between stages and always end up lopping it off…which brings me instant relief.

Since it will be wedding season in a few months, I am unable to shear off my awkwardly medium length mane for now. This means that every morning I stand in front of the mirror and form a plan of attack. Most of the time my tresses end up locked away in a pony tail. My hair hates me for it, but ‘though thou doth protest, ye strands of gold will be imprisoned yet another day’ is what I have to say to my hair about the subject. It’s not a party for me either.

They say that hair grows a half inch a month. If this holds true, my hair will surpass awkwardville in about 8 months… Geez!

Sorry hair, that means approximately 240 or so more ponytails to go…

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