Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Birthday

I'm not gonna lie. Today, my birthday, I woke up in a really, really bad mood. My alarm went off at 5:00 am, and at 5:01 am exactly, I received an e-mail on my blackberry from my boss with a long list of to-do's for today (which included taking a broken chainsaw to the repair shop. Glamorous). The birthday buzz was officially killed 1 minute after I woke up. Not good.

I continued to feel sorry for myself as I got ready for work and looked outside. Cloudy. And Cold.

Then I got a call from a certain someone (Mr. L) who was staying home because he's sick. Great! It's my birthday and he's not only sick, but staying home! Good golly!

I got to work, started my monstrous to-do list, and tried to talk myself out of having a bad day. Feeling a tad sorry for myself, I made it through my morning. The clock ticked past 10 am, and no one had even asked me to lunch. Gadzooks! Does anyone even care? What happened to the days that my birthdays started with smiley face pancakes, ended with cake and had a school party for me squeezed in the middle, huh?

Resigned to a lonely lunch, I kept my nose to the grindstone. Then, at 11:00, I noticed a change in the air. I got a few 'happy birthday' e-mails. Huh, that's nice, I thought. After that I was asked to lunch by two co-workers. Nice! Then, my boss handed me some money and treated us to lunch. Fantastic! After lunch I was informed there would be cake. Superlative!

After the flurry of birthday activity, I went back to my desk, full and satisfied. Now, this is more like it I thought. And then the best thing happened...

My new bff Cheryl placed a brightly colored package on my desk. Inside it contained the cutest apron that she made with her own two hands! It has little stitched cupcakes and my name in pink letters. The best thing about it was the look on Cheryl's face when I opened it. She was so proud and pleased that I liked her handiwork. It made me happy that she was happy, and vice versa.

This thoughtful gift really made my day, and for that this is a truly happy birthday.

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