Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The L Word

If anyone out there actually reads this blog, you’ll notice that neither my name or my man’s are included. This is because I never wanted for a potential employer to google my name and voila! --a ticket to my innermost thoughts and feelings. So I am called Capable Girl and I named him Mr. L.

I was thinking about this the other day and realized that there are many words that I would use to describe Mr. L that actually begin with an L. Like, he could be Mr. Loved, because I love him so. So here’s a small list of names/descriptors that are suitable for my beloved Mr. L:

Mr. Likeable: Everyone likes him. The man has no enemies. He is the kindest, most friendly guy I have ever met in my life. He exudes warmth and light.

Mr. Loyal: This guy is super-duper devoted and steadfast. If he’s with you, he’s with you for life.

Mr. Lawful: He is a rule-abiding gentleman who rarely colors outside the lines.

Mr. Lefty: Yup. He’s left handed all the way. This means two sets of scissors and him sitting to my left when we eat in a booth at a restaurant.

Mr. Lyrical: some of my favorite songs of all time were spontaneously written and sung by him. He has a wonderful singing voice.

Mr. Logical: He is a spreadsheeter; a planner; and he likes to keep his feet planted firmly in the world of reason.

Mr. Loving: He is also extraordinarily affectionate and always has a heartwarming thing to say or do. He makes my heart sing and my knees weak.

Aren’t I a lucky lady? I definitely think so.

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