Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ya'll....I've been busy. Busy with cookies, busy with newlywededness, busy with name changing, busy with life. Mr. L hates it when I say, "I don't have time for...", but lately it's true. Normally being a busy bee bugs me (ha! a pun!), but these days it's not so bad.

I find it comforting to be active, industrious, and feeling alive with hustle & bustle. This new found enjoyment of busyness may have a little something to do with the fact that I love what I am busy doing...I love being a newlywed, I love baking cookies for people, I love my friends, and I love the direction my life is going in.

So, if I miss a few days (or weeks) of blogging, know that I am probably just buzzing around being busy...and loving every minute of it...

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