Thursday, April 1, 2010

Here's To Health!

I realized the other day that I feel healthier lately. Without even really realizing it too much, I have really taken some serious steps toward a healthier life. This list is not so much a, ha! I’m so awesome kind of thing, rather just a personal inventory of a new direction in my life.

1. Started taking a multivitamin. This has been a big deal for me. Multivitamins usually hurt my stomach, so for years I tried taking chewable, but abhorred the taste (have you ever brushed your teeth and then tried to take an orange-flavored chewable vitamin. Gag!!), so I usually forwent altogether. Now I am taking Viactiv (the little chocolate chews). I know, I know, they may not be the best vitamin in the universe, but I figure it’s better than nothing. I also have a box on my desk at work and a box at home, so I don't miss a day!

2. Started taking calcium. Basically repeat everything in the last paragraph, because Calcium makes me super duper nauseous. Now Viactiv at desk…twice a day, everyday.

3. Adding fruits and veggies. I have not always been the healthiest of eaters. In fact, the majority of my life I have been pretty terrible. After my very restrictive diet this fall, I find that I have cleansed my pallet and now really, really enjoy (and even crave!) fruits and vegetables.

4. Trying to get more sleep. I say ‘try’ for a reason. I try to get 8 hours, usually wind up with 7, but that’s far better than the 5 I used to get.

5. Better oral health. For a long time, the only time floss ever hit my teeth and gums was about 20 minutes prior to a dental appointment. Nowadays, I try to floss at least once a day (sometimes once every other day) to keep my mouth healthy. Did you know that poor oral health is a bigger contributor to heart disease than cholesterol!! I found that out last year and took it very seriously.

6. Blogging it out. I think blogging is a healthy discipline because it makes me take a long hard look at my life everyday or at least a few times a week. I often ask myself (when thinking up what to write about) what important thing is happening in my life? I think that frequent mental checklists are a good way to take inventory of what’s going on in your life, identify patterns, and help you not get lost in your life. Blogging is also a great creative outlet for me.

7. Friends. When I was working in Tennessee before I moved, I had very little social interaction with people my age. I was very isolated in a teensy office. Now, I have lots of interaction both during work hours and after. Laughing, talking, practical joking…all good for the psyche, and what’s good for the psyche is good for the body.

8. Started taking acidophilus. After many antibiotic prescriptions over the years, I feel that my tummy would like me better if I started taking a probiotic. I just started taking them, but I am excited about the prospect of a health, happy gut. Happy gut, happy girl.

These are a few things that I have changed in the recent past, but there are plenty of additions to this list that I will be focusing on in the next few weeks…like exercise, meditation, and increased mental fitness.

After I improve apon those aspects of my life, you may see a ha! I'm so awesome post...but that's only because, well, I'll be so awesome.