Thursday, May 14, 2009

Billy Joel Said It Best...'Cause I'm

So, yesterday was a semi-monumental day. It was a day that I decided to grab the reigns, grab the bull by the horn, and told my depressive whiny side to grab a seat. Yes, my friends, I reclaimed my life...and it feels doggone good.

I made the decision to move to Birmingham no later than August 1st, 2009....even if I am sans job, sans income, and sans total predictable financial stability. Sound crazy? Well, it's no crazier than living in the basement of your Mom's house, working at a job you can't stand, commuting to said job, and living 200+ miles away from your beloved.

I will say that my crazy decision is at least a planned crazy decision. I've performed calculations, analyzed, scheduled, and spreadsheeted my leap (Mr. L would be so proud!)...and I feel really, really good. I mean, weight-lifted-off-me-fresh-from-the-spa-tony-the-tiger gggggrrrrreaaat!!

More updates on my progress forthcoming....goodwill wishes, prayers for a smooth transition, and job opportunities in the greater Birmingham metropolitan area all appreciated!!

1 comment:

al said...

woohoo! I'm so excited! I'll be on the lookout.

oh and by the way, I moved to Birmingham without a job also. So no worries. It can be done.