Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear Sun

(A photo taken in Knoxville, TN last year when the Sun & I were on better terms)

Dear Sun,

I miss you. I haven't seen you in a long time. When you come around, you never hang out for long. You're here one minute, gone the next. Why are you absent these days?

Don't you remember all of the fun we used to have? Like that time you looked so beautiful and I broke out my camera. We had so much fun that day.

The worst thing is that when you finally show up, you always pick a time when I'm super busy at work and can't even hang out. Is it something I did? Did i hurt your feelings somehow? Please let me know. I don't know if I can take not seeing you for much longer.

Let's hang out soon. I'll buy you a cup of coffee or something.


Capable Girl

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