Thursday, February 11, 2010

7 Things To Do

Mr. L & I have a super duper romantic Valentine's weekend planned. It includes spackle, paint brushes, and caulk. Oh yeah, we're redoing the master bathroom.

So here are 7 things we will be doing:

1. Using peroxide to clean the tiles on the floor
2. Cutting out old caulk
3. Priming and painting the walls and closets
4. Taking down the hideous blinds in the window
5. Painting the walls a soft off-white
6. Picking out a nice gray fabric for the shower curtain & cafe curtain for window
7. Re-caulking

I would love to post some before/after pictures to show the beautiful transition. My hopes are high, so I hope it comes out as nice as it is in my head. There is an abundant amount of yellow tile in the bathroom, so I decided to spiff things up (while integrating tile) and go for a yellow/gray/splash of red motif.

Wish us luck!

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