Tuesday, March 9, 2010


First of all, I know it's lame to blog about your cat--but just look at this little scooter. He's nothing short of mega-colossal cute. Here are my top 10 reasons I love my darling little feline:

1. He is always happy to see me when I get home, wake up in the morning, or just all of the time. Creole, unlike the majority of his feline brethren, is much like a dog in this way. Most cats (including past cats that I have had) could give a diddley squat about your presence and only seem happy when you have cat viddles in your possession, but not Creole.

2. He doesn't let me oversleep. Creole has this weird ability to know when I need to get up. If it's a weekday, he somehow seems to know that I need to be up and will wake me up a few minutes before the alarm. He oddly does not do this on the weekends. Genius!!

3. He is a great cuddle companion. He loves to sit with me, near me or on top of me, which works out well because I have yet to need to invest in a snuggie.

4. He is not a big, fat, ball-o-lard like most neutered cats. He is a very healthy eater and only eats small portions when he's hungry. Now, if I could only train myself to follow his lead...

5. He fetches. Like a dog.

6. He has never met a stranger. My mom had this cat that, if a strange person would come over, would hide for days (he was dedicated to his fear, I'll give him that...he wouldn't even come out to eat or anything). Creole, on the other hand, is mr. life-of-the-party-you're-gonna-love-me-whether-you-like-it-or-not-you-really-don't-have-a-choice-in-this-matter type of a cat.

7. He's very neat and tidy. That's kind of a boring reason, but it's true.

8. He's always nice to the vet. Unlike some cats, he gives off this real cool vibe when he's at the vet. He's all like, "I don't care, bring it on. You want to stick a thermometer up my butt? Okay, that's cool." He's like the James Dean of felines at the vet. I'm serious, here's a picture of him at his most recent vet visit:

9. He still, at age 6, chases his tail.

10. He's my buddy. When I'm sick, scared, or need a friend, I always have one waiting for me--happy and ready to chase my blues away.

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