Friday, April 9, 2010

Girl Date

Tomorrow, I’m going on a date. With a girl. And I couldn’t be more thrilled.

My new BFF asked me to go get pedicures with her a few weeks back, and we’ve decided to turn this into an event, complete with skinny lattes, a café lunch, and a big hunk of vanilla butter cream cake to top off the day.

Now, to some of your lady readers, this type of thing may be old hat, but rarely in my adult life have I had a lunching and pedicuring type day. Though my waistline will hate the vanilla cake, my mouth, I assure you, will not. Plus, we’re having skinny lattes, so the cake doesn’t even count, right?

Oh yeah, bad mood update: Though my week started out in a grumbly fashion (so much so that a co-worker put a soft drink can on my desk and labeled it “grumpy juice”), yesterday I seemed to have turned a corner and am feeling much better….just in time for my date!

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