Thursday, May 13, 2010

Can You Keep A Secret?

I have to keep a big secret and I hate every minute of it. The worst part about said secret is that it is causing me undue stress and I can't really get it off of my chest...because of its hush-hush nature.

Unlike many others, I can keep a secret. I hate it, but if anything, I am obedient. If I am told not to say anything, then mum's the word. Though it is within my capability to keep secret, it doesn't mean that I enjoy doing so. There's no substitute for the instant relief you get when you can finally let the words fly out of your mouth. Yet, do so prematurely, and that instant relief turns into fear that you've opened a door that cannot be closed again...and behind that door there are monsters.

So, for now, (though it pains me so) I will continue to zip ye old lips and anxiously await the day when I can sing like a bird.

1 comment:

al said...

how can you post this and not tell the secret?! What kind of blogger are you?